Community Assessment
Every two years, the BCTC's Resource Assessment and Evaluation Workgroup analyzes a diverse set of assessment data including surveys, archival indicators, focus groups, and resource lists to assess the amount and access of resources to identify substance use problems in our area as well as specific issues that contribute to youth substance use. From this, we create a Community Assessment which identifies the top substances abused and the Risk and Protective Factors. The following data sets were used in the current assessment.
Student Health and Risk Prevention Survey (SHARP): A statewide, scientifically-valid survey consisting of the Prevention Needs Assessment, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and the Youth Tobacco Survey. The SHARP survey provides a plethora of data including risk/protective factors, use rates, local-specific issues, and comparisons to county, state, and national data. It's administered once every two years to students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP): A document created by the Weber-Morgan Health Department that includes information from their needs and resource assessment in Weber and Morgan Counties. This report complements the SHARP survey and provides additional information.
Archival Data: Data such as arrest rates, emergency department visits, referrals to juvenile courts, and treatment are among the 187 indicators examined by our coalition. The Utah State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup maintains an online social indicator website that allows our coalition to compare our rates with other counties and areas throughout the state.
The Public Health Indicator-Based Information System (IBIS): An information system for public health that provides statistical data for almost 200 indicator reports for nearly 30 topics.
Local non-profit hospital community assessment: McKay Dee Hospital is a local non-profit hospital that provides relevant information in its Community Health Needs Assessment.
Coalition Surveys: Annual surveys to our list of members and community members who have participated in our coalition activities. There are currently nearly 100 people on this list that get the opportunity to weigh on the coalition and community issues.
Youth Workgroup: Our youth workgroup is surveyed and the leadership of this group help represent the youth voice in our community.
Community Report: We contracted with Bach Harrison LLC, a survey and research firm, to provide assistance with gathering and analyzing data specific to our community.
Key Informant Interviews: Interviews are designed and implemented with the help of our evaluator. Coalition members do the interviews.
Every two years, the BCTC's Resource Assessment and Evaluation Workgroup analyzes a diverse set of assessment data including surveys, archival indicators, focus groups, and resource lists to assess the amount and access of resources to identify substance use problems in our area as well as specific issues that contribute to youth substance use. From this, we create a Community Assessment which identifies the top substances abused and the Risk and Protective Factors. The following data sets were used in the current assessment.
Student Health and Risk Prevention Survey (SHARP): A statewide, scientifically-valid survey consisting of the Prevention Needs Assessment, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and the Youth Tobacco Survey. The SHARP survey provides a plethora of data including risk/protective factors, use rates, local-specific issues, and comparisons to county, state, and national data. It's administered once every two years to students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12.
Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP): A document created by the Weber-Morgan Health Department that includes information from their needs and resource assessment in Weber and Morgan Counties. This report complements the SHARP survey and provides additional information.
Archival Data: Data such as arrest rates, emergency department visits, referrals to juvenile courts, and treatment are among the 187 indicators examined by our coalition. The Utah State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup maintains an online social indicator website that allows our coalition to compare our rates with other counties and areas throughout the state.
The Public Health Indicator-Based Information System (IBIS): An information system for public health that provides statistical data for almost 200 indicator reports for nearly 30 topics.
Local non-profit hospital community assessment: McKay Dee Hospital is a local non-profit hospital that provides relevant information in its Community Health Needs Assessment.
Coalition Surveys: Annual surveys to our list of members and community members who have participated in our coalition activities. There are currently nearly 100 people on this list that get the opportunity to weigh on the coalition and community issues.
Youth Workgroup: Our youth workgroup is surveyed and the leadership of this group help represent the youth voice in our community.
Community Report: We contracted with Bach Harrison LLC, a survey and research firm, to provide assistance with gathering and analyzing data specific to our community.
Key Informant Interviews: Interviews are designed and implemented with the help of our evaluator. Coalition members do the interviews.